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Our Services

Hotel Valuation

Hotels are valued the same way in which they trade, on a going concern basis. As such, hotels tend to be among the most difficult property types to appraise. Hotel valuation requires experts who understand the sensitivity of hotels to a range of market factors, have access to the required data, and understand the analysis required to properly stabilize income and expenses. Furthermore, hotel appraisal requires experts who are respected by the hospitality industry, including hotel owners, commercial lenders, insurance providers, and government bodies, for their in-depth knowledge of the hotel market. IHA is qualified and equipped to handle your hotel valuation needs.

Casino Valuation

Similar to Hotels, casino valuations require industry experts like IHA to perform their market appraisals. IHA possesses the necessary experience and database to accurately appraise casino properties. Depending on the jurisdiction, purpose and function of the appraisal, there are different methods of valuation to apply to casino valuations. IHA is the only appraisal organization that specializes in casino valuation.

Property Tax Assessment Appeals

Property taxes are often overlooked by hoteliers despite the fact that they represent one of the largest expenses for a hotel operation. At IHA, we understand that property taxes are not a fixed cost. We work closely with assessment authorities to ensure that your property assessments are accurate and fair. We believe that a non-adversarial approach results in higher tax savings and lower fees for our clients. Our competitive advantage lies in the fact that we are hotel experts, who believe in fostering relationships that are mutually beneficial with property tax assessors worldwide.

Hotel Brokerage

Through IHA’s vast network of hotel and casino owners, your company can be connected with buyers and sellers. IHA has affiliation agreements with licensed hotel brokers worldwide. Please visit

Valuation Methodology

IHA utilizes three approaches to value (Income, Market, and Cost) and relies upon four separate reliable methods of valuation.

We Are Global

Headquartered in Dublin, Ireland, with locations across the globe, IHA is truly an international appraisal organization. IHA has a multilingual team of professionals capable of completing valuation assignments in more than 15 languages.

Discover what we can do for you!

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